Tripoli Vegas is Prefecture #24 of the TRIPOLI ROCKETRY ASSOCIATION, INC., and as such, abides by all rules and regulations set up by the national organization. As a local club, we are free to set our own local bylaws to govern our activities.
If you intend to launch High Power with us, you should become a member of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, which provides launch insurance with national membership.
Tom Blazanin encouraged any and all of us interested in rockets to come to a "get together" and form a local Prefecture of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, Inc. We had about 12–15 people come to that historic first meeting. Tom gave us a pep talk and said he would serve as an officer but not a president. When we asked him how he felt about being prefect and vice president, he agreed. Denise Rosenfield said she'd serve as Secretary/Treasurer, and Les Derkovitz made the mistake of walking in with the biggest rocket and got railroaded into being president. (He didn't kick and scream too much!).
Now that we had our officers, we set off to get some work done. Bylaws were written, we're recognized by Tipoli National, launches were planned, and it wasn't long before a club project was planned—our own altitude attempt. At that time, most of us weren't too mature in our high-power endeavors. But after a couple years of flying, building, and launching our altitude rocket combined with holding a couple "Turkey Shoots" and Delamar launches, all of that changed. These days, you'll see our members building projects with fiberglass and metal, using all kinds of electronic do-dads, clustering, staging, and very impressive motors. Our personal interest in the hobby and the support and help from each other have" propelled" us to becoming the builders and flyers you see today.
Our bylaws have been extensively reworked with expert guidance and are used as a model for other prefectures across the country.
We stress safety as the highest priority at our club launches.
Tripoli Vegas launches are held the third Saturday of the month at the Jean Dry Lake bed. Certified Tripoli and NAR members are permitted to fly high-power rockets up to their certification level. Children under 18 years of age may fly model rockets at our range. If you have never flown rockets before or if you have any questions, we are happy to answer them and show you how.
Tripoli Vegas also conducts the Springfest and Oktoberfest regional launches, which draw a far larger crowd than our regular club launches. Springfest and Oktoberfest are more dedicated to larger, high-power rockets; however, the launch is open to visitors and guests.
Tripoli Vegas conducts monthly research launches under the Tripoli Research Safety Code.
All Tripoli Vegas launches are conducted with legal FAA clearance waivers and under the strict Tripoli Rocketry Association's Safety Code. For more information on the dates, times, and locations of our launches, please select LAUNCHE SCHEDULE from our menu.
If you are attending a rocket launch for the first time, we encourage you to contact us to let us know you plan on attending. Any groups attending are requested to contact us for special information. Jean Dry Lake is a desert environment. You must bring appropriate clothing, food, water, and shade for the season.
We proudly support local schools, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts, and Civil Air Patrol Scouts, among other organizations, with launch capability and technical support.
Tripoli Las Vegas is the local club for the national Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA).
Tripoli Las Vegas dues are $30 per year, which entitles you to all club benefits for your national certification level, including the right to vote and reduced launch fees. Your local club dues pay for our equipment, maintenance, BLM fees, yearly club dues to national, trailer registration, website, and all the costs of maintaining a local club. NOTE: Tripoli National dues are for the national club and insurance; Tripoli Las Vegas dues are for the local club; they are separate dues.
Tripoli Vegas Application Form
For questions regarding anything related to Tripoli Vegas, membership, launches, safety, rocketry, etc., select CONTACTS from our menu. Thank you for your interest. Come fly with us!!!!
*** Tripoli Vegas ***